Saturday, October 24, 2015

2016 Reiki Course open for registration in Sandton Johannesburg

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School is opened registrations for the UsuiReiki level 1, 2 and Advanced Reiki course starting in January 2016. The Reiki School is located in Sandton Johannesburg. The course begins on Saturday 23rd of January until the 19th March, over runs over 9 weeks, once a week for two/ three hours depending on the group size.
Student can complete the Usui Reiki 1,2 and advanced course for personal development or for you to learn reiki as a career path with international recognition and certification.
Jeanine Sacks Reiki School prides itself in offering credible and affordable reiki training.  
Included in the reiki course is all the Reiki training material, files and a personalised certificate at the end of the Reiki 1, 2 and Advanced Reiki (level 3) course.

Begin an amazing journey of self-discoveryLearn all about the history of Reiki, reiki symbols, and healing techniques on how to clear negative energies as well as the reiki hand positions used to do Reiki.

To reserve a seat in the Reiki Classes, email or call 079 896 0154
You can pay via an internet transfer or pay cash by prior arrangement. Please email if you require my banking details. Unfortunately I do not accept cheques or credit cards
About Jeanine Sacks Reiki School
Jeanine offers internationally accredited Reiki courses. My Reiki healing school is located in Sandton, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Jeanine is registered with The International Centre for Reiki Training and the Lightarian Institute and teaches Usui Reiki 1, Reiki 2, Advanced Reiki, Usui Reiki Masters, Karuna Reiki® Masters, Lightarian Reiki and a chakra course.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Lessons of gratitude learnt in the Reiki Course

I learnt a long time ago that gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions that lift our vibration, making us feel better, allowing ourselves to take on more by having the will to do so, the flexibility for change and adaption and  flow for harmony within our body, mind and soul. This is an important lesson I share in my reiki course located in Sandton Johannesburg.
Student that complete the reiki course learn how to allow themselves to be in the moment of now and then to let any emotions that are not serving them go, reducing anger and frustration and increasing patience and tolerance levels.
Reiki teaches us to surrender
In other words to be able to say and feel….  I forgive you, or I am I not going to be as rigid and be more flexible, less moody or uptight. The course gives us the tools to make it easier when one faces this challenge.
The reiki course offered by Jeanine Sacks Reiki School, teaches students to be more grateful for who they are, what they have and to be able to hold their achievements. Through the reiki course, students will gain skills learning to be in the here and now, also referred to as the golden moment of now.
The reason why it’s called golden moment is that in order to fix our future or past we need to be in the present to help fix our path. We do this by learning from these lessons and letting go and surrendering, and going with the flow of life.

How to register for the Reiki Course in Sandton, Johannesburg

To register for the reiki course, located in Sandton, Johannesburg, email for more information, phone, 0798960154 or complete the online form. Find details on the reiki course here.  

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Registrations open for the 2016 Reiki training courses

You can now register for the 2016 reiki courses to begin your reiki career path with international recognition and certification at Jeanine Sacks Reiki School, based in Sandton, Johannesburg. These reiki courses can be done for personal development or for you to learn reiki as a career path. The reiki course offered at Jeanine Sacks Reiki School are credible, affordable and your path to spiritual self-development.

Usui Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Advanced Reiki Course

Start your reiki studies with the Reiki 1, 2 and Advanced Reiki course. It runs over 9 weeks, once a week for two/ three hours. In the Reiki 1, 2 and Advanced Reiki course, you receive all your reiki attunements (there are 3 of them) as well as an additional healing attunement.
The reiki course includes all the Reiki training material, files and a personalised Reiki 1, 2 and Advanced Reiki certificate on completion of the course.

Chakra Course

Register to begin a journey of self-healing and personal development with the chakra course as part of your reiki studies. Learn how to help yourself heal by learning about yourself and the seven chakras. The Chakra course assists with emotional healing. The Chakra course explores your 7 chakras in detail, enabling you to explore who you really are.

Usui Reiki Masters Course

The Usui Reiki Masters Course is the Master/ Teachers degree level. Included in this level of reiki studies is the Master attunement, comprehensive knowledge and information on how to pass on all previous level attunements, and further specific healing methods. The two Master symbols are also taught. This is the last level and the most powerful of the Usui system of natural healing.  In order to register for the Usui Reiki Masters Course, you will have to first complete the Usui Reiki 1, 2 and Advanced Reiki Course.

Karuna Reiki® Master Course

Students that have completed the other levels of reiki studies can advance to the The Karuna Reiki® Course includes; Karuna Reiki® 1, Karuna Reiki® 2 and Karuna Reiki® Masters. The complete Karuna Reiki® Masters Course and is registered with the The International Center for Reiki Training.
Running over over 4 weeks, the Karuna Reiki® Course is done once a week for two hours, including all the The Karuna Reiki® Course training material, files and arrange your Karuna Reiki® certificate at the end of the course.

About Jeanine Sacks Reiki School

Jeanine offers internationally accredited Reiki courses. My Reiki healing school is located in Sandton, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. Jeanine is registered with The International Centre for Reiki Training and theLightarian Institute and teaches Usui Reiki 1, Reiki 2, Advanced Reiki, Usui Reiki Masters, Karuna Reiki® Masters, Lightarian Reiki and a chakra course.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Register for the last Usui Reiki Course in Johannesburg for 2015.

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers the Usui Reiki 1,2 and advanced course from the 5th of September - 31st October 2015. This is the last reiki course available in 2015. It runs on a Saturday from 08:30 - 11:30. Choose to study reiki for personal development or for you to learn reiki as a career path with international recognition and certification. 

Learn Reiki Usui Reiki 1,2 and advanced Reiki

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers credible, affordable, self-development for students wanting to learn reiki with links to the International Reiki Association.
The Saturday reiki course starts with Reiki 1, 2 and Advanced Reiki, and combines the levels and runs over 9 weeks, once a week for two/ three hours depending on the group size. Students will receive in the course, all their attunements (there are 3 of them) as well as an additional healing attunement.
Jeanine Sacks Reiki School will provide all the Reiki training material, files and a personalised certificate at the end of the Reiki 1, 2 and Advanced Reiki (level 3) course.
Begin an amazing journey of self-discovery, while you learn all about the history of Reiki, all your reiki symbols, healing techniques on how to clear negative energies as well as the reiki hand positions used to do Reiki. 

Reiki Level 1 course content

During Reiki level 1, you receive your first attunement which enables you to become a channel for Reiki energy. You also learn the Reiki hands positions for self-healing and for treating others. 

 Reiki Level 2 course content

A higher level attunement is passed on during Reiki level 2. Receive the three Reiki level 2 symbols, their meanings, and procedures on how to use them.

Advanced Reiki (Reiki Level 3) course content

The third reiki attunement is given at this point to expand your channelling and other spiritual abilities as well as the Advanced Reiki symbol is learnt. Students are also taught the advanced methods of aura cleansing, chakra balancing, psychic surgery, how to make crystal grids, the hara dimension, and self-empowerment processes.


The Reiki course is offered in Sandton, Johannesburg. Find a map to the Reiki classes here. 
To book a place in the Reiki Classes, email or call 079 896 0154. 

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Information on Reiki

Understand Reiki in Johannesburg

Understanding Reiki

Reiki is a touch therapy is founded on the principal that every living being has a life force. 
The reiki healer is able to harness and channel this life force or energy, bringing about healing on many levels is possible.

Reiki healing processs
The Reiki healing process

Reiki healers channel the energy to allow the healing to take place, invoking the client’s internal healing abilities within the body. 
Reiki assists to move the body and energy field naturally toward a state of health and wholeness. 
Through this healing process bringing healing on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

Healing illness with reiki
Reiki can assist with managing illness

The principles of reiki define illness as a result of the body’s imbalances that occur in the energy field. Depending on the nature of these imbalances, the manifestation of illness in the physical body may occur in days, weeks, months and sometimes even years.
Reiki can assist with healing the energy field, including cleansing and balancing the chakras.  
Emotional healing is facilitated through reiki. Physical pain and discomfort can also benefit from the healing effects of reiki as well as stress is relieved.

objectives of reiki
Objectives of Reiki

The objective of Reiki is to determine where the energy system is out of balance, look at the reasoning of the imbalances and to create the internal and external environment necessary for rebalancing and ultimately healing the energy system and the body.

request information on reiki in Johannesburg
Enquire about Reiki

Experience Reiki for yourself. Its safe to try. 
Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers ReikiTreatments, internationally accredited Reiki courses and Specialised Energy Healing attunements and services. Jeanine Sacks Reiki School is located in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa. 

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Reiki in South Africa

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers a wide variety of reiki products and services from the reiki school located in Johannesburg, South Africa. Clients that are based outside of Johannesburg can still receive reiki services through distant healing. Distant healing allows clients around the world to benefit from the unique healing abilities offered by Jeanine Sacks.   
Reiki in South Africa

Online information about reiki in South Africa

Visit to find allot of information about Reiki and how to study reiki in South Africa.  On the website you can learn about what is Reiki, how Reiki healing works and the effects of Reiki on your body. Distant reiki refers to receiving reiki when the healer is not physically present in the room.  

Reiki treatments from anywhere in the world

If you wish to try a Reiki treatment, you don’t need to be based in Johannesburg, you can try a Distant Reiki treatment or buy a reiki gift card to give the gift of reiki to a friend or family member.
Life in South Africa can be very stressful, Jeanine Sacks Reiki School has developed a unique De Stress treatment to help ease the tension build up in the body. The de stress treatment is available to anyone in South Africa. If you are based in Johannesburg, you can come to the Reiki School or receive the treatment from any other location in South Africa through distant healing.

Reiki courses in Johannesburg.

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers a wide variety of Reiki Courses for students wanting to learn reiki in South Africa. The courses are done from the reiki School in Johannesburg and can be arranged via digital learning for clients outside Johannesburg. The variety of reiki courses on offer include; Usui Reiki level 1, 2 and Advanced Reiki course, Chakra course, Usui Reiki Masters Course, Karuna Reiki Course, Munay Ki Rites Course and Lightarian Reiki Master Course.

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School is a leading provider of reiki services and learning in South Africa, to clients based in Johannesburg and around the world. 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

How to Connect to the Angels

Angel link connections Johannesburg
Jeanine Sacks Reiki Schools offers the AngelLinkTM connections. 
These connections empower to have a  direct connection to the Arch Angels to help assist you as you require. 
The AngelLinkTM Connections connections can be used for your individual growth and development as well as part of yourLightarianTM portfolio of study. 

Information on the Benefits of the AngelLinkTM Connections

·         The  AngelLinkTM connections infuse you with the purest qualities and energy patterns of the angels. 
·         After becoming energetically connected with the archangels via the AngelLinkTM connections, you will receive ongoing guidance and support encouraging you to express these angelic qualities in all areas of your life as often as you wish to. 
·         If you are needing courage for  an emotional block, you can call upon Arch Angel Raphael. If you are going somewhere foreign or dangerous, you can call upon arch angel Michael for protection for the time you are needing it.
·         The AngelLinkTM connections can help enhance a clients reiki treatment to a higher vibrational frequency by calling upon the specific arch angel that you feel your client is in need of at that time. 

The 5 AngelLinkTM connection details

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers the full set of 5 AngelLinkTM connection attunements.
·          Gabriel is done for Joy,
·          Seraph Rose assists with unconditional love,
·          Uriel deals with beauty,
·          Michael helps with non judgement and protection,
·          Raphael is used for courage.

AngelLinkTM Connection Attunement Information and Cost

The AngelLinkTM connection attunements are available to anyone wanting to complete them. For client not based in Johannesburg, Jeanine Sacks Reiki School also offers these attunements etherically, meaning you can be located anywhere in the world.  

AngelLinkTM Connection Attunement Duration

The AngelLinkTM connection attunement session lasts one hour of which the attunement takes 20-25 minutes followed by a discussion of each arch angel and a reiki treatment. TheAngelLinkTM connection attunements can be done every week for 5 weeks, covering a new arch angel each week.  These attunements are done on a one on one basis and appointments can be made during the week. 

AngelLinkTM Connection Attunement Costs

The cost of each of the attunements is R720, including the reiki treatment, there are 5 in total.  You can pay via an internet transfer or pay cash before the sessions begin. Etheric attunements over distance are also offered. Unfortunately I do not accept cheques or credit cards. Once the attunements have started, the fee is not refundable.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Reiki during pregnancy and for your baby

Reiki during your pregnancy

Reiki during pregnancy Sandton Johannesburg
Pregnancy is a time filled with mixed emotions often expectant moms find reiki during pregnancy very effective. 
Reiki can assist to calm the nervous system of the mother allowing the fetus to equally benefit from the calming energy and keeping the fetus and mom happy and relaxed. 
Pregnant mothers may also experience exhaustion and fatigue. 
Reiki can help with rejuvenating the body with more positive energy where it is needed. 
Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers reiki treatments for momsand dads during the pregnancy stage to help manage both your stress and anxiety levels. 

Reiki for babies as they grow

Reiki for babies Sandton Johannesburg
Reiki is both effective and safe on babies as they respond very well to the healing energies. 
The effect of reiki on your baby can differ between each child. 
Some common benefits of reiki on babies are to help your child to sleep better during rest times and have more energy when they are awake. 
These benefits assist to reduce their stress levels resulting in a calmer baby. 
Reiki treatments for babies are 30 minutes long as babies respond very quickly to the reiki treatment. 

Reiki for your children

Reiki for children Sandton Johannesburg
Reiki is beneficial for children of all ages to experience the healing and calming powers of Reiki. 
Some of the common benefits of reiki on children are to help children improve their concentration, self esteem and anxiety. 
Contact Jeanine SacksReiki School to discuss of reiki can assist in behavioral issues in children. 
Reiki treatment for children less than 7 years is 30 minutes long.  
Contact the Jeanine Reiki School to book a reiki treatment for your child.

Jeanine Reiki School is based in Sandton, Johannesburg and offers reiki treatments during pregnancy as well as for babies and children. 

Saturday, February 28, 2015

A Guide to Become a Usui Reiki Master in South Africa

When looking for a Usui reiki master in south Africa to teach you Usui Reiki, it’s important to understand the dynamics around the different levels of reiki and the styles and institutions that regulate them. If you choose to become an accredited Usui Reiki Master, it’s important to understand that there is no “accreditation” for Usui Reiki as there is no local or international Usui Reiki association.

Usui Reiki Master Accreditation Criteria in South Africa

  • The most important source of accreditation of a Usui Reiki master is the linage of the reiki master’s teachings. It is important for the lineage to trace back to Dr Usui. 
  • By studying under a Usui Reiki Master that has the correct lineage, you can rest assured that you will become a credible Usui Reiki Master and able to practice Usui Reiki on your clients and teach Usui Reiki to students wanting to learn Usui Reiki. 

  Usui Reiki Master Accreditation Procedures in South Africa

  • To become an accredited Usui Reiki Master, you will need to complete a Usui Reiki 1,2 and Advanced course.
  • Afterwards you will need to complete a Usui Reiki Masters course
  • After completing these two Usui Reiki courses, you will have followed the correct procedures to become an independent Usui Reiki Master and can study further to advance your reiki knowledge with greater credibility and international qualifications through Karuna and Lightarian Reiki.

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers Usui Reiki treatments and internationally accredited Reiki courses for students wanting to become reiki masters.  The Reiki healing school is located in Sandton, Johannesburg,  South Africa. Jeanine is an Independent Usui Reiki Master and registered with The International Centre for Reiki Training and the Lightarian InstituteReiki courses on offer include, Usui Reiki 1, Reiki 2, Advanced Reiki course, Usui Reiki Masters course, Karuna Reiki® Masters, Lightarian Reiki and a chakra course.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Reiki in Sandton - Johannesburg

Reiki in Sandton Johannesburg
Jeanine Sacks Reiki School is conveniently located in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa, and offers a wide range of alternative healing reiki treatments, reiki courses, spiritual attunements and clearings.

Jeanine is a qualified and internationally registered Lightarian ReikiTM Master, Karuna Reiki® Master, Independent Usui Reiki Master, Reiki practitioner, Reiki teacher and Munay Ki teacher. She is a registered Karuna Reiki® Master teacher with The International Centre for Reiki Training and a Lightarian ReikiTM Master with the Lightarian Institute.

Reiki courses offered in Sandton – Johannesburg

  • Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers a wide variety of courses to students wanting to study reiki, or assist themselves with more spiritual growth. 
  • Usui Reiki Level 1, 2 and Advanced Reiki Course - an amazing journey of self discovery. Learn about the history of Reiki, why it’s important, reiki symbols, and techniques on how to use Reiki.
  • Chakra Self Healing Course - Begin a journey of self healing and personal development. Learn how to help yourself heal by learning about yourself and your chakras. 
  • Usui Reiki Masters Course - This level is the Master/ Teachers level. You receive the Master attunement, comprehensive knowledge and information on how to pass on all previous level attunements, and further specific healing methods.
  • Karuna Reiki Course - The Karuna Reiki® Course includes; Karuna Reiki® 1,Karuna Reiki® 2 and Karuna Reiki® Masters. The completeKaruna Reiki® Masters Course and is registered with the The International Center for Reiki Training.
  • Lightarian Reiki Master Course - The Lightarian ReikiTM Master Course consists of teachings of the higher vibrational bands and attunements.
  • Munay Ki Rites Course - The munay ki rites are the nine rites of the Sharmans path of the q’ero nation, and are given to better connect with the 7 archetypes that lie within the 7 chakras.

Reiki treatments on offer in Sandton - Johannesburg

You will find a wide variety of alternative healing treatments at the Jeanine Sacks Reiki School for healing your physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
  • Reiki Treatment - Each Reiki healing session includes energy healing, energy balancing, chakra clearing, aura cleansing and crystal healing
  • De Stress Treatment – A uniquely developed, powerful de-stressing treatment to help you relax and unwind tension and stress built up over time. 
  • Energy Replenisher - designed to make your feel energized and replenished in moments of your intensive illness treatment when you experience total depletion or physical and emotional exhaustion.
  • Reiki Three Point Posture Treatment - focused on the three points of the neck, shoulders and back using gentle subtle yet powerful techniques to re-balance the emotions and energy affecting the posture.
  • Holistic Guidance – an alternative therapy which combines the emotional and energetic side of healing, to making you feel whole again. 
  • Reiki for Babies, Children and during Pregnancy – contact Jeanine to chat about how Reiki can help you and your family
  • Reiki Gift Voucher - Send your family, friends and loved ones living in Johannesburg for a Reiki treatment, Energy Replenisher or De stress treatment. You can also send the gift voucher to friends and family overseas to receive the treatment via distant healing.
  • Distant Healing – the distant healing reiki treatment is very beneficial if you live in a different city from Johannesburg, or not able to get away from work during office hours or for a friend or family member that is sick in hospital.

Attunements & clearings offered in Sandton – Johannesburg

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offer a range of specialised attunements to further assist your spiritual growth and development, along your path of spiritual learning.
  • Angellink Connections - a series of 5 truly unique angelic connections to energetically and permanently link you with the Arch angel levels of the Angelic Realms
  • Lightarian Rays - assist in personal development, Self empowerment is the starting point for the spiritual awakening process.
  • Lightarian Clearings - a series of six powerful unique, guided meditation clearing attunements, all inspired by the energies of Ascended Master El Morya, to help release and cut the cords of all undesired energy patterns from your auric field, easily, safely and completely.
  • Purification Rings - simple yet powerful etheric connections that are permanently established between individual and a particular seraphic group to assist with guidance, healing, protection and intervention.
  • Ascension Bands - develop your spiritual abilities and become more attuned to subtle energetic vibrations that are found within your etheric, spiritual and physical body, and your environment. 
  • Energetic House and Office Clearing - An energetic clearing is needed if you have bad energy in your home or office. Energetic house clearings are also effective when buying and selling a house to remove past energies and allow more positive energies to occupy your new home.
Call 0798960154, email or visit for more information. 

Friday, January 9, 2015

Information about Reiki in South Africa

Reiki is a touch therapy founded on the principal that every living being has a life force. Through harnessing and channelling this life force or energy, healing on many levels is possible with reiki.
The help understand the word “Reiki”, its (pronounced ray key), and is a Japanese word that when loosely translated means “universal life force” and the word can be broken down into two parts: Rei and Ki. Rei means universal/transcendental spirit or essence. Ki means energy or life force and is the source of life itself.

How to find a Reiki Master in South Africa

There are many different places that offer reiki treatments and reiki courses in South Africa. When deciding where you would like to go for your reiki healing, you can take the following considerations into account.

Reiki Associations in South Africa

As there are many forms of Reiki Associations in South Africa, it can be confusing to decide which Reiki Association is important for your reiki master to belong to. To ensure your Reiki healer is authentic, you need to verify the linage of the reiki master’s teachings. You can do this asking that their lineage can be traced back to Dr Usui. As the accreditation of a Usui reiki master is based in the linage of the Usui reiki master, you now know how to find a reiki master in South Africa.

Advanced Reiki accreditations in South Africa

If you are looking for a spiritual healer with more advanced reiki healing such as attunements and clearings in South Africa, there are two other international reiki associations your reiki master can belong to, Karuna Reiki and Lighterian Reiki.

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers credible reiki healing treatments and reiki courses from her Reiki School in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Jeanine Sacks is registered with The International Centre for Reiki Training and the Lightarian Institute.