Monday, July 20, 2015

Register for the last Usui Reiki Course in Johannesburg for 2015.

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers the Usui Reiki 1,2 and advanced course from the 5th of September - 31st October 2015. This is the last reiki course available in 2015. It runs on a Saturday from 08:30 - 11:30. Choose to study reiki for personal development or for you to learn reiki as a career path with international recognition and certification. 

Learn Reiki Usui Reiki 1,2 and advanced Reiki

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers credible, affordable, self-development for students wanting to learn reiki with links to the International Reiki Association.
The Saturday reiki course starts with Reiki 1, 2 and Advanced Reiki, and combines the levels and runs over 9 weeks, once a week for two/ three hours depending on the group size. Students will receive in the course, all their attunements (there are 3 of them) as well as an additional healing attunement.
Jeanine Sacks Reiki School will provide all the Reiki training material, files and a personalised certificate at the end of the Reiki 1, 2 and Advanced Reiki (level 3) course.
Begin an amazing journey of self-discovery, while you learn all about the history of Reiki, all your reiki symbols, healing techniques on how to clear negative energies as well as the reiki hand positions used to do Reiki. 

Reiki Level 1 course content

During Reiki level 1, you receive your first attunement which enables you to become a channel for Reiki energy. You also learn the Reiki hands positions for self-healing and for treating others. 

 Reiki Level 2 course content

A higher level attunement is passed on during Reiki level 2. Receive the three Reiki level 2 symbols, their meanings, and procedures on how to use them.

Advanced Reiki (Reiki Level 3) course content

The third reiki attunement is given at this point to expand your channelling and other spiritual abilities as well as the Advanced Reiki symbol is learnt. Students are also taught the advanced methods of aura cleansing, chakra balancing, psychic surgery, how to make crystal grids, the hara dimension, and self-empowerment processes.


The Reiki course is offered in Sandton, Johannesburg. Find a map to the Reiki classes here. 
To book a place in the Reiki Classes, email or call 079 896 0154.