Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Reiki attunement during the Super moon

November 14th 2016 will be a night I will never forget. I am so grateful and blessed to have been a part of an amazing attunement given to the reiki students at Jeanine Sacks Reiki School, on the evening of the super moon, which was the Reiki 2 attunement. It was astounding to see the moon come in and out of the shadows from the clouds in all its glory and brightness to assist with this magnificent reiki attunement, it was also by no co-incidence that the attuenment given, was the emotional attunement and considering how very close to the earth the lunation was, it is safe to say that the full moon will be even more so indulging on people’s emotions.

Follow your dreams, follow your heart, don’t forget to keep smelling the roses along your way and looking up at the moon and stars for guidance and peace. The grandfather moon is always watching, waiting with bated breathe to bring us the passion and peace and harmony that life has to offer. Don’t let the opportunities pass you by, live a good life, enjoy the ride.

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers ReikiTreatments, internationally accredited Reiki courses and Specialised Energy Healing attunements and services. Clients that are based outside of Johannesburg can still receive reiki services through distant healing. Distant healing allows clients around the world to benefit from the unique healing abilities offered by Jeanine Sacks. Jeanine Sacks Reiki School is located in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa.