Saturday, April 11, 2015

How to Connect to the Angels

Angel link connections Johannesburg
Jeanine Sacks Reiki Schools offers the AngelLinkTM connections. 
These connections empower to have a  direct connection to the Arch Angels to help assist you as you require. 
The AngelLinkTM Connections connections can be used for your individual growth and development as well as part of yourLightarianTM portfolio of study. 

Information on the Benefits of the AngelLinkTM Connections

·         The  AngelLinkTM connections infuse you with the purest qualities and energy patterns of the angels. 
·         After becoming energetically connected with the archangels via the AngelLinkTM connections, you will receive ongoing guidance and support encouraging you to express these angelic qualities in all areas of your life as often as you wish to. 
·         If you are needing courage for  an emotional block, you can call upon Arch Angel Raphael. If you are going somewhere foreign or dangerous, you can call upon arch angel Michael for protection for the time you are needing it.
·         The AngelLinkTM connections can help enhance a clients reiki treatment to a higher vibrational frequency by calling upon the specific arch angel that you feel your client is in need of at that time. 

The 5 AngelLinkTM connection details

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers the full set of 5 AngelLinkTM connection attunements.
·          Gabriel is done for Joy,
·          Seraph Rose assists with unconditional love,
·          Uriel deals with beauty,
·          Michael helps with non judgement and protection,
·          Raphael is used for courage.

AngelLinkTM Connection Attunement Information and Cost

The AngelLinkTM connection attunements are available to anyone wanting to complete them. For client not based in Johannesburg, Jeanine Sacks Reiki School also offers these attunements etherically, meaning you can be located anywhere in the world.  

AngelLinkTM Connection Attunement Duration

The AngelLinkTM connection attunement session lasts one hour of which the attunement takes 20-25 minutes followed by a discussion of each arch angel and a reiki treatment. TheAngelLinkTM connection attunements can be done every week for 5 weeks, covering a new arch angel each week.  These attunements are done on a one on one basis and appointments can be made during the week. 

AngelLinkTM Connection Attunement Costs

The cost of each of the attunements is R720, including the reiki treatment, there are 5 in total.  You can pay via an internet transfer or pay cash before the sessions begin. Etheric attunements over distance are also offered. Unfortunately I do not accept cheques or credit cards. Once the attunements have started, the fee is not refundable.