Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Reiki attunement during the Super moon

November 14th 2016 will be a night I will never forget. I am so grateful and blessed to have been a part of an amazing attunement given to the reiki students at Jeanine Sacks Reiki School, on the evening of the super moon, which was the Reiki 2 attunement. It was astounding to see the moon come in and out of the shadows from the clouds in all its glory and brightness to assist with this magnificent reiki attunement, it was also by no co-incidence that the attuenment given, was the emotional attunement and considering how very close to the earth the lunation was, it is safe to say that the full moon will be even more so indulging on people’s emotions.

Follow your dreams, follow your heart, don’t forget to keep smelling the roses along your way and looking up at the moon and stars for guidance and peace. The grandfather moon is always watching, waiting with bated breathe to bring us the passion and peace and harmony that life has to offer. Don’t let the opportunities pass you by, live a good life, enjoy the ride.

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers ReikiTreatments, internationally accredited Reiki courses and Specialised Energy Healing attunements and services. Clients that are based outside of Johannesburg can still receive reiki services through distant healing. Distant healing allows clients around the world to benefit from the unique healing abilities offered by Jeanine Sacks. Jeanine Sacks Reiki School is located in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Gift ideas to bring healing to your family, friends and loved ones

Reiki gift card Johannesburg
Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers reiki healing gift vouchers that you can purchase and send your family, friends and loved ones a Reiki Gift card. There are a variety of healing treatment gift cards to select. 

You can purchase a healing voucher for a one hour Reiki treatment. If your family or friends are very stressed, you can purchase a 30 minute De stress treatment for them to help mange their stress levels. Another option is the One hourEnergy Replenisher treatment to help boost their energy levels. 

The Reiki gift card can be purchased for a variety of celebrations and occasions. such as 50th birthday gifts, birthday presents, employee incentives, cool gifts ideas, fathers and mothers-day gifts or a novelty gift.

The Energy Replenisher Treatment is designed to make your feel energized and replenished in moments of your intensive illness treatment when you experience total depletion or physical and emotional exhaustion. If you have loved ones in hospital, Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers Hospital visits for R950 for a one hour treatment including travel time and travel costs. Travel is limited to Johannesburg. If you require the the Energy Replenisher Treatment for a loved on outside of Johannesburg, it is offered over distant healing at R300 for 30 Minutes.

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School is also able to offer all reiki treatments to your family, friends and loved ones living outside Johannesburg  via distant healing. Book your reiki gift card here

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Reiki treatments helps replenish your energy

Reiki treatment in Sandton Johannesburg

As important as it is to nourish the body with food and sleep, it is as important to nourish the soul with healing energy, these include things like breathe work, yoga and reiki. All of these modalities replenish the soul in some or other way.

reiki treatment is actually a touch therapy that helps nourish and regenerate any depleted or distorted cells giving them more life, more health and higher vibration. The higher our vibration the more positive things happen in our life, as the better we feel the better we are able to attract things into our life.

When our chakras are out of balance, we tend to feel less happy, have less energy and function at a lower vibration and therefore less opportunities come our way and the more struggles we seem to have.
The happier we are, the more good things happen and the better the flow in life will be. 

Reiki treatments can help redirect the energy flow in many aspects of our life to bring us to a more balanced state.

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers reiki treatments and is based in Sandton Johannesburg. Jeanine is a qualified international; reiki masters and will assist you to surrender and let the universe do its work.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

New Reiki training course dates available for 2016

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School has released new dates for reiki courses offered in Sandton Johannesburg for 2016.  Begin your reiki career path with international recognition and certification. These reiki courses can be done for personal development or for you to learn reiki as a career path. Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers credible, affordable, self-development.

Usui Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Advanced Reiki Course

Entry level reiki course

The Reiki 1, 2 and Advanced Reiki course runs over 9 weeks, once a week for two/ three hours. In the course I offer all your attunements (there are 3 of them) as well as an additional healing attunement. All the Reiki training material, files and a personalised certificate at the end of the Reiki 1, 2 and Advanced Reiki (level 3) course are provided.
Begin an amazing journey of self-discovery with the Usui Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Advanced Reiki Course.  Jeanine is an internationally qualified Reiki Master and will teach you all about the history of Reiki, why it’s important, all your symbols, techniques on how to clear negative energies as well as the positions used to do Reiki. If you would like to make a booking, please let me know and I will send you my banking details. If you are wanting any further information then please give me a call on 079 896 0154 or email jsreiki@gmail.com.

Chakra Course

Reiki specialised learning

Begin a journey of self-healing and personal development. Learn how to help yourself heal by learning about yourself. The Chakra course assists with emotional healing. The Chakra course offered by Jeanine Sacks Reiki School in Sandton, Johannesburg, you will explore your 7 chakras in detail, enabling you to explore who you really are.

Usui Reiki Masters Course

Teachers degree level

This reiki course level is the Reiki Master/ Teachers degree on offer at Jeanine Sacks Reiki School.
You receive the Master attunement, comprehensive knowledge and information on how to pass on all previous level attunements, and further specific healing methods. The two Master symbols are also taught. This is the last level and the most powerful of the Usui system of natural healing. 
I provide all the Usui Reiki Masters Course training material, files and a personalised Usui Reiki Masters Course certificate at the end of the course. In order to register for the Usui Reiki Masters Course, you will have to first complete the Usui Reiki 1, 2 and Advanced Reiki Course.

Karuna Reiki® Master Course

International Reiki Course

The Karuna Reiki® Course includes; Karuna Reiki® 1, Karuna Reiki® 2 and Karuna Reiki® Masters.

The complete Karuna Reiki® Masters Course is registered with The International Centre for Reiki Training.
The Karuna Reiki® Course runs over 4 weeks, once a week for two hours.
Jeanine Sacks Reiki School provides all the The Karuna Reiki® Course training material, files and arrange your Karuna Reiki® certificate at the end of the course.
In order to register for the Karuna Reiki® Course, you will have to first complete the Usui Reiki Masters Course

The Lightarian Reiki TM Master Course

Highest level Reiki course

The Lightarian ReikiTM Master Course at Jeanine Sacks Reiki School consists of teachings of the higher vibrational bands and attunements. These are very powerful attunements and because of the power one receives from these attunements it can only be done every 30 days for a period of 4 months.
In order to register for the Lightarian ReikiTM Master Course, you will have to first complete the Karuna Reiki® Course.

Buddhic Boost Workshop Content

The bridge from Usui reiki to Lightarain reiki.

The Buddhic Boost is an attunement that lifts our vibration from band level 1 to 2. It is the bridge from Usui reiki to Lightarain reiki. It can only be once Usui masters is complete and can be done instead of Karuna Masters (band level 2).  

Munay Ki Rites Course

Nine rites of the Sharmans path

The munay ki rites are the nine rites of the Sharmans path of the q’ero nation, and are given to better connect with the 7 archetypes that lie within the 7 chakras. The Munay Ki Rites course is offered at Jeanine Sacks Reiki School over four weeks.

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers ReikiTreatments, internationally accredited Reiki courses and Specialised Energy Healing attunements and services. Clients that are based outside of Johannesburg can still receive reiki services through distant healing. Distant healing allows clients around the world to benefit from the unique healing abilities offered by Jeanine Sacks.  Jeanine Sacks Reiki School is located in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Enhance your path of spiritual learning with Jeanine Sacks Reiki School.

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers specialized attuenements, these are more specifically focused on personal growth and discovery, and there are 5 sections. Each focusing on different elements of the self.

Lightarian clearing
This is a series of 6 sessions in which we 1 remove any negative energy that has accumulated from our dark side, 2 birthing process, 3 damaged cells in the body, 4 attachments to people and events and 5 lineage of our family history ending off with 6 seeing the world the way you want to see it and having others see your world just as you do.
Lightarian rays
These rays restores back into the body, mind, soul that which we have depleted over time due to stress, emotions, family, life experiences. It is a journey of 6 sessions starting with 1 empowering the self, moving into a 2 clearing of all that does not serve us so that we can start to 3 heal, and then 4 activate to the universe what we are wanting our path to be and then to 5 manifest that into our world from our higher self which is source, and then back into ourselves 6
Lightarian angel
These are a series of 5 sessions in which we learn to connect with certain angels that we can connect with at any time once we have had the specific meditation (attunement) there are 5 angels I work with specifically ones that work with unconditional love, courage, gratitude, and protection, non-judgement and angelic guidance
Purification rings
These are groups of angels, there is also a series of 6 and focuses on 1 transfer the flame of feeling whole and complete, 2 transferring the purest levels of communication and interpretation, 3 transferring the purest levels of love and truth. 4 transferring the energies of pure love and pure wholeness 5, transfer energy of creating intention into fruition, 6 transfer the energy of pure joy and harmonization
Ascension bands
They are a series of 6 attunements that are used to lift the vibration bands from level 1 to level 8 without actually doing a reiki course. Each attunement that is given 1 petal of a lotus flower is imbedded in the power area (below the breast) and once all the level have been completed there will be a full lotus flower which represents 6 petals.

Personal growth and discovery in Sandton Johannesburg
Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers specialised Energy Healing attunements and services. Clients that are based outside of Johannesburg can still receive reiki services through distant healing. Distant healing allows clients around the world to benefit from the unique healing abilities offered by Jeanine Sacks.  Jeanine Sacks Reiki School is located in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Reiki treatments – What to expect

A reiki treatment can be very calming and relaxing assisting with anxiety, depression, and daily stresses of life like paying the bills, dealing with children, work deadlines and family.

A reiki treatment helps put everything back into perspective again, it will nourish ,restore and rebalance any damaged or distorted cells in the body assisting in replenishing of more energy, better concentration levels and starting to feel more relaxed ,having the feeling that yes…

Reiki can help you
Reiki can also assist those who just can’t seem to get out of bed in the morning, everything seems like such an effort there is nova va vum, no desire or determination almost like that zest for life has been sucked right out of us like a vacuum cleaner.
A reiki treatment can help assist in taking away that slug and finding that inner child inside of us that enjoys life, having the energy again to want to socialize and laugh more and do some home entertaining and start to take charge of the self. Book your reiki healing session here

Reiki healing in Sandton Johannesburg
Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers ReikiTreatments, internationally accredited Reiki courses and Specialised Energy Healing attunements and services. Clients that are based outside of Johannesburg can still receive reiki services through distant healing. Distant healing allows clients around the world to benefit from the unique healing abilities offered by Jeanine Sacks. Jeanine Sacks Reiki School is located in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Monday, April 4, 2016

2016 Reiki Courses – Learn about personal growth, self-discovery and empowerment

Reiki courses in Johannesburg

At any given point in time there are so many choices to make, what to study, where to put our focus and energy. These opportunities come and go all the time, an opportunity of energy as just come up for you, and as you are reading this, it might be just the right information for you right now.
The reiki course I offer is so unique, it’s run in the comfort of my own tranquillity home, I take limited amount of people to keep the group personal and welcoming. The reiki course is a course of growth, self-discovery and empowerment, there is so much to look at within, and when we do this we reach a point we can start to take charge of our life, as what we are aware of we can change and fix and what we are not aware of stays that way,

Reiki course content

My reiki course has 3 levels to it. You learn from the very beginning to understand the basic concept of energy, we learn about auras and chakras and intention and so much more
I give attunements which is an empowerment of energy through me to the student, I am merely the vessel. With each attunement that gets given the vibration of an individual is lifted, more and more ,therefore the more stuff comes to the surface to be cleared in the form of physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and sexual.

This is a great removal as the more we remove the more we have space to full with positive energy, the more positive energy we have the more we grow and develop, more importantly the more flow we have in our life, so that more positive opportunities can come our way, the more we start to enjoy life with joy and harmony and happiness. This all begins with a journey of wanting to learn and grow and explore the self.

If this sounds intriguing to you, then find more information on my reiki courses here.

Reiki course dates

I am running one in 2 weeks on a Tuesday evening, starting 19th April and running for 9 consecutive Tuesday evening.
I’m also running my very last Saturday reiki course starting sat 10 September from 8.30am till 11.30am.
Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers ReikiTreatments, internationally accredited Reiki courses and Specialised Energy Healing attunements and services. Clients that are based outside of Johannesburg can still receive reiki services through distant healing. Distant healing allows clients around the world to benefit from the unique healing abilities offered by Jeanine Sacks. Jeanine Sacks Reiki School is located in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Reiki course in Johannesburg

Reiki known as universal energy helps us heal on all levels, physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually, psychologically, spiritually. As this energy is so diverse it speaks too many of us in different ways.

Reasons to learn reiki

Some of these may include searching for answers, trying to help find ourselves, focusing on achieving inner peace and harmony and self-empowerment
If any of the above is exactly what you are searching for, then you will find value in the reiki course.

Reiki Course information

Reiki courses can be done for personal development or for you to learn reiki as a career path. Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers credible, affordable, self-development.
The Reiki 1, 2 and Advanced Reiki course runs over 9 weeks, once a week for two/ three hours. In the course I offer all your attunements (there are 3 of them) as well as an additional healing attunement.
I provide all the Reiki training material, files and a personalised certificate at the end of the Reiki 1, 2 and Advanced Reiki (level 3) course.
It's really an incredible and magical journey of self-discovery. I teach you all about the history of Reiki, why it’s important, all your symbols, techniques on how to clear negative energies as well as the positions used to do Reiki and so much more

Register for the next reiki course

Sign up for my next reiki course starting Thursday evening 28th January till 24th march or sat afternoon 20th February till 16th April. Spaces are limited though and there are only a few left.