Sunday, May 8, 2016

Enhance your path of spiritual learning with Jeanine Sacks Reiki School.

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers specialized attuenements, these are more specifically focused on personal growth and discovery, and there are 5 sections. Each focusing on different elements of the self.

Lightarian clearing
This is a series of 6 sessions in which we 1 remove any negative energy that has accumulated from our dark side, 2 birthing process, 3 damaged cells in the body, 4 attachments to people and events and 5 lineage of our family history ending off with 6 seeing the world the way you want to see it and having others see your world just as you do.
Lightarian rays
These rays restores back into the body, mind, soul that which we have depleted over time due to stress, emotions, family, life experiences. It is a journey of 6 sessions starting with 1 empowering the self, moving into a 2 clearing of all that does not serve us so that we can start to 3 heal, and then 4 activate to the universe what we are wanting our path to be and then to 5 manifest that into our world from our higher self which is source, and then back into ourselves 6
Lightarian angel
These are a series of 5 sessions in which we learn to connect with certain angels that we can connect with at any time once we have had the specific meditation (attunement) there are 5 angels I work with specifically ones that work with unconditional love, courage, gratitude, and protection, non-judgement and angelic guidance
Purification rings
These are groups of angels, there is also a series of 6 and focuses on 1 transfer the flame of feeling whole and complete, 2 transferring the purest levels of communication and interpretation, 3 transferring the purest levels of love and truth. 4 transferring the energies of pure love and pure wholeness 5, transfer energy of creating intention into fruition, 6 transfer the energy of pure joy and harmonization
Ascension bands
They are a series of 6 attunements that are used to lift the vibration bands from level 1 to level 8 without actually doing a reiki course. Each attunement that is given 1 petal of a lotus flower is imbedded in the power area (below the breast) and once all the level have been completed there will be a full lotus flower which represents 6 petals.

Personal growth and discovery in Sandton Johannesburg
Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers specialised Energy Healing attunements and services. Clients that are based outside of Johannesburg can still receive reiki services through distant healing. Distant healing allows clients around the world to benefit from the unique healing abilities offered by Jeanine Sacks.  Jeanine Sacks Reiki School is located in Sandton, Johannesburg, South Africa.

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