Saturday, April 22, 2017

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School Lunar Attunements

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Reiki Course Training – learn how to heal

For the longest time, people have wanted to live in a space of happiness, joy, and peace. However this cannot be possible if we live life from human eyes, we need to live life acting as a spirit. 

This means that we don’t get caught up in the ego and the drama and he said she said dance of life and live life from the heart space. 

Here is where is accept everyone for who they are with no judgments and we choose whether we allow people to speak to us in certain ways or even to be a part of our lives. This requires us to know who we really are and what we actually want out of life. 

This is what we refer to healing. Healing requires us to work through our emotions layer by layer almost like that of an onion. 

If you feel this tickles your fancy, then the reiki course could be something that you could benefit from, I personally believe it changes people’s lives, after all, it changed mine.

My next course starts Tues morning 25th August or Saturday 8th July, or Tues eve 15th August
Please look at my website for further details
Love and light to you always

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Treatments for Stress

They say that life is a journey ….enjoy the ride. A journey yes however no-one said it was an easy ride. We seem to put so much focus on the wrong mundane things such as work and money and ego and material goods which consumes so much of our head space there doesn’t seem to be enough room for what really matters, which is the heart and soul space.

The way in which we can lift our vibration actually doesn’t cost any money or ego or work, in actual fact it’s free and anyone can access it. This precious gift is called laughter. Think about it for a moment, when we are laughing there is no room for anger or fear or ego or irritation or any of these emotions that weigh us down and drop our vibration. It is pure unconditional joy.

This is the key to a successful well balanced life. How do we do this? To genuinely act with honesty first to ourselves and then to others.

While laughter is easy, it isn’t easy to just laugh, or to just find the joy as we seem to be so serious.

Reiki treatments can help stress by finding joy and happiness and  can help unlock the blocks that lie within us, to help break free from conforming and being trapped, allowing us to sore like birds through the sky instead of being bounded by stress and all the rest of it.

Jeanine Sacks Reiki School offers Reiki Treatments, internationally accredited Reiki courses and Specialised Energy Healing attunements and healing services. Jeanine Sacks Reiki School is centrally located in Sandton, Johannesburg.